
Friday, August 19, 2011

david soulcaster birthday party at september 5

hey guys. david soulcaster here and i wanna show you some thing, you see in 17 days  in louisanna time where i live is my birthday so i wanna have the best birthday every so   email this email if you got any of these job you want to do and it tell where we all meet for it

1. record for youtube in a massive, a cl house  witch got a pvp ring, or a sultans

3.  ( lots of people can do this one)   invite people for it

where: commons,wu,september 5 in usa date at 5:00 or 400 through 8:00

  and  i gonna be there also think the party not of my birthday party but to celebrate the wcp and i know that when my birthday but let think it as a wcp celebrate party


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